Vietnam National One Health University Network (VOHUN) in collaboration with U.S. Department of Defense Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) hosted the second session of the monthly series on One Health Biorisk Management case-based learning on Thursday, May 28th 2020.
The session offered an interactive dialogue through case based presentation on H5N1 and Biorisk Management and knowledge sharing concepts among VOHUN Students and One Health community experts. VOHUN student teams, comprised of both veterinary and medical/public health students presented a case on H5N1 influenza virus. The session included panelist guest speaker panelists from the U.S. Dr. George W. Christopher and from Vietnam , Dr. Pham Thanh Long, VN DAH who provided expertise and perspectives on H5N1 and Biorisk Management concepts.