SEAOHUN Introduction

SEAOHUN Introduction

SEAOHUN Introduction

30/12/2021 10:34:40 AM | 306

We are pleased to share with you the introduction of SEAOHUN and the activities during 05 years of phase II project One Health Workforce in South East Asia (2015 - 2019).

With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and its One Health Workforce project, it's our pleasure to highlight key achievements of SEAOHUN, INDOHUN, MyOHUN, THOHUN, and VOHUN in advancing One Health workforce development during the Emerging Pandemic Threats 2 Program (2014-2019).

One Health Workforce project aimed to improve workforce capacity in target countries to prevent, detect, and respond to threats posed by infectious disease and zoonoses. Collaboration has shown us a great impact. One Health Workforce project works in fifteen countries; Africa and Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia One Health University Network or SEAOHUN comprised of four founding national one health university network; those are INDOHUN, MyOHUN, THOHUN, and VOHUN. The project implemented regionally in university; there are 67 universities and 138 faculties and 4 founding countries in Southeast Asia.

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