One Health Camp - Group 4

One Health Camp - Group 4

One Health Camp - Group 4

31/12/2021 2:09:03 PM | 818

One Health Student Camp 2021 - Avian Influenza Risk Communication

The One Health Camp - OHC 2021 was held by Vietnam One Health University Network via an online channel from May to August 2021. 40 students were selected into the main camp by a selected round.

40 students were divided into 4 groups to participate in 3 parts of the main camp:

- 1st part: Online test by Mentimetter:

- 2nd part: Online debate with two rounds: selected and final round

+ 1st selected round:

+ 2nd selected round:

+ Final round:

- 3rd part: Communication Video develop by 4 groups with the topic on Avian Influenza ___________________________________________________________________________

This is the submission of the 1st group - namely Golden Duckies If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to leave them here. Thank you!

Mạng lưới một sức khỏe các trường Đại học Việt Nam 

Địa chỉ: Tầng 5, nhà A, số 1 đường Đức Thắng phường Đức Thắng, quận Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

Điện thoại: 0243 63275050


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